Diginews - Zune bug fixed - Facebook sues Power.com - Safari, Chrome, Firefox gain on IE

Many owners of 30GB Zune players found that the gadget froze up on the last day of 2008, thanks to a problem with software on the device. In other corners of the Web, the Great Zune Meltdown of 2008 continues to fuel technological satire. For example, the new Seattle-based site cheddrmedia.com is holding a contest to create a new Zune slogan based on the incident. The prize for the winner: an iPod Nano. it was a clock glitch, related to the leap year, that caused the temporary worldwide meltdown of Microsoft's Zune 30 GB devices. But for anyone interested in even more detail than that, this post on ZuneBoards shows and explains what's purported to be the precise programming bug that caused the problem.

Ever since Google began scanning printed books four years ago, scholars and others with specialized interests have been able to tap a trove of information that had been locked away on the dusty shelves of libraries and in antiquarian bookstores.

The Power.com service lets users view activities on all of their social networks at once. It also marks up pages to include additional functionality in a way that Greasemonkey users are familiar with. Facebook clearly doesn't like it, even though users must explicitly sign up for the service and access it via the Power.com website. In the complaint Facebook alleges that Power.com violates its terms of use, copyright and trademarks. 

Internet Explorer continues to lose market share to other Web browsers, including Firefox and Safari. The Microsoft Web browser now has 68.15 percent share, down from 79.9 percent in January 2007 and well off the days when it controlled more than 90 percent of the market, according to a report from Market Share.  Firefox and Safari continued to climb at 21.3 percent and 7.9 percent, respectively.

Marcus Courtney, a one-time Microsoft contract worker, left his job as president of the Seattle-based WashTech technology labor union last year for a new position at the UNI Global Union in Switzerland.

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