Yang -- who will return to his former role as Chief Yahoo, focusing on strategy and technology -- tried to carve an independent strategy for Yahoo and was blamed when Microsoft Corp walked away from an offer to buy Yahoo earlier this year. Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock is leading the effort to find a replacement, said Yang, who will continue to serve as a director.
Google's carefully orchestrated
launch of their new voice-recognition search application for the iPhone took a dive this weekend. The application didn't appear as promised, and Google took down the YouTube video demo'ing the product (although it's still on the Google Channel YouTube page and embedded below). This is an extraordinary event. Other search app providers have told me they've been kept waiting months for approval of their app, with no explanation from Apple. But Google and Apple are close, even sharing Google CEO Eric Schmidt as a board member. Something definitely went sideways, most likely involving Apple throwing a fit of some sort (Apple is just plain weird about press).
AOL is on a product-cutting spree. In addition to the shuttering of XDrive, AOL Pictures, MyMobile And Bluestring, the company will also be shutting down the AOL Video Uploads
service starting this week. Users must move their videos prior to December 18, when the service closes for good and the videos will no longer be available. AOL is recommending that users transfer videos to Motionbox
, a New York based video sharing and editing startup
"Financial information suppliers such as Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg and Dow Jones will in the future benefit from a new regulatory framework that will help to ensure a level playing-field for all operators in the Chinese market," the EU said in a statement.
ForbesAutos.com is being shuttered and its entire staff is being let go, a company rep said, confirming earlier reports on SAI and Gawker. The rep wouldn't say how many individuals worked on ForbesAutos. Separately, most of ForbesTraveler's staff is also being laid off. The site will limp along with three staffers. Forbes is also getting rid of its conference group. The Forbes rep said that the publisher will still host conferences, but all planning will be handled by its marketing department.
Advertisers Shouldn't 'Hijack' Conversations, but Applications Hold Promise. "I have a reaction to that as a consumer advocate and an advertiser," he said. "What in heaven's name made you think you could monetize the real estate in which somebody is breaking up with their girlfriend?"
Johnson & Johnson's legendary marketing machine just had a rare mess-up. A new ad for Motrin, sold by J&J's McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit, tried to appeal to moms with an attempt at a chatty copy about using Motrin to treat sore muscles that result from a baby carrier. But some members of the target audience were offended, and a flood of scathing items appeared on Twitter. (Click here to see the comments.) The Motrin.com website went down Sunday night and as of Monday morning still hasn't come back up.
Yahoo is a lot more valuable in the eyes of Madison Avenue than it is in the eyes of Wall Street, thanks to an important but oft-forgotten point in the debate over how old and stodgy the traditional portal model might be: Size still matters. "Advertisers are looking at where's the traffic, volume and value is today. And today is very positive for advertisers at Yahoo," said Chris Moloney, chief marketing officer at Scottrade, which in August was the top online-ad spender, according to TNS Media Intelligence. "Google is considered to be the 800-pound gorilla of the internet but it doesn't have content the way Yahoo does. It receives a massive volume of traffic."
The messages (PDF, 6 pages) were disclosed in the class-action lawsuit over Microsoft's "Windows Vista Capable" logo program. Previous e-mails showed Intel overjoyed at Microsoft's decision to lower the requirements for the "Vista Capable" designation. The decision boosted the value of an older Intel chipset by qualifying it for the logo. But the move stunned HP, which had made a big investment in new technology based on its belief that Microsoft would stick to the higher requirements.
Nearly half of UK companies surveyed plan to increase spending on PR over the next 12 months, according to a new survey. The survey of UK businesses, conducted by research company Shape the Future, has highlighted the most frequent areas of marketing spend predicted by businesses over the next 12 months. These were identified as websites (58.9 percent) and PR (42.5 percent).
Marketers taught to us amplify our wants, since needs aren't a particularly profitable niche for them. Isn't it interesting that we don't even have a word for these marketing-induced non-needs? No word for sold-hungry or sold-lonely
Thirsty? Well, Coke doesn't satisfy thirst nearly as well as water does. What Coke does do is satisfy our need for connection or sugar or brand fun or consumption or Americana or remembering summer days by the creek.
If you truly believe in what you sell, that's where you need to be, creating wants that become needs. And if you're a consumer (or a business that consumers) it might be time to look at what you've been sold as a need that's actually a want.
By now, most brands and businesses have bid on their search branded keywords and any words even remotely related to their product. But the next phase of keyword bidding has just begun. Try mentioning "camping" in your facebook status and you'll see ads for weeks about camping social networks and camping gear.
Online auction site eBay has banned the resale of tickets for the inauguration of Barack Obama as US president. Some 240,000 tickets for the ceremony are to be handed out to the public for free by members of Congress.
An exclusive photographic portfolio of 30 of the most influential people working in advertising, marketing and media today.
Murdoch, the Australian-born chairman and chief executive of News Corp., said in a speech broadcast Sunday titled "The Future of Newspapers: Moving Beyond Dead Trees" that the Internet offered opportunities as well as challenges and that newspapers would always be around in some form or other. He said people now were "hungrier for information that ever before" and that papers have an edge over bloggers and other newcomers because they are more trusted by readers. "Readers want what they've always wanted: a source they can trust," Murdoch said. "That has always been the role of great newspapers in the past. And that role will make newspapers great in the future." Listen to the speech at http://www.abc.net.au/rn/boyerlectures/stories/2008/2397940.htm
An overwhelming majority (89%) of all kids age 6-11 in the US spend at least some time doing online activities and — though few basic social activities have changed much over the years — they have vastly different communication styles and preferences than older age groups, according to a study from Experian Consumer Research, MarketingCharts reports.
While some sectors in the economy are struggling, 24/7 Real Media brings some much needed good news. They are the fastest growing top ten ad network in the six months ending October 2008, according to the comScore Media Metrix report. 24/7 grew by 36% and now reaches 135 million unique users. That's 71% of U.S. internet users.
A British woman is divorcing her husband after discovering his online alter-ego was having an affair with a virtual woman in the fantasy world of Second Life, media reported on Friday. Amy Taylor, 28, said her three-year marriage to David Pollard, 40, came to an end when she twice walked in on him watching his online character, Dave Barmy, having sex with other virtual women.
PR Newswire, the New York-based provider of electronic press release distribution, targeting, measurement and broadcast services, announced on Monday that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Xinhua Finance, a corporate announcement distribution service in China. The deal also includes Xinhua Finance's corporate announcement businesses in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.
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